8th March ahead
March 8th is International Women’s Day
The British Council - Learn English Teens
has a good number of resources like these:
This day’s history
has a good number of resources like these:
This day’s history
“The Hypatia Trust”
International Women’s Day has brilliant resources like:
Let’s debate:
Are there any "typical" masculine/ feminine qualities, skills,...?
How are men and women portrayed in adverts, TV series and films, songs, jokes, magazines, …?
Are there different toys for girls / boys? And sports / jobs/ clothes / colours/…? Why?
Do you think stereotypes affect people? In what ways?
Do you think stereotypes affect people? In what ways?
Gender Roles Questions:
A classic: Bic pens for her
From previous entries:
Related to stereotypes are the role models that society gives to the different genders:
Who are the most admired/ popular people at present? What are their jobs?
Who are the most admired/ popular people at present? What are their jobs?
In your textbooks, what’s the percentage of men and women? Why do you think this is so?
What do you think this quote means: "You can't be what you can't see"? Do you agree with it?
From previous entries:
Women’s History Month
INCLUSIVE LANGUAGE. Absurd or necessary?:
Do you think that language can be “sexist”? Why / not?Reading:
Guideline to gender-neutral language
UN Guidelines for gender-inclusive language in English
Gender-neutral language in the European Parliament
Gender-neutral Canadian anthem lyrics official
5 key principles of Inclusive language and why they matter
How our language shape the way we think
UN Guidelines for gender-inclusive language in English
Gender-neutral language in the European Parliament
Gender-neutral Canadian anthem lyrics official
5 key principles of Inclusive language and why they matter
How our language shape the way we think
On average, do women and men get the same salaries?
What about temporary work, layoff, Presence in Leading Roles in Companies,...?
Who does the housework? In your house? In your friends' homes?
Who advertises cleaning products mainly? Why do you think it is so?
More Gender Conversation Questions
Who does the housework? In your house? In your friends' homes?
Who advertises cleaning products mainly? Why do you think it is so?
More Gender Conversation Questions
Classroom Activities via IWD: Jobs by Gender Sorting Activity and The Firefighter
In your opinion, is this a real problem in the whole world? and in our country?
What is “teen dating violence”? What are healthy and unhealthy relationships like?
How many deaths have been caused by gender violence in Spain / worldwide
compared to other problems? (Illnesses, Pandemics, Accidents,...)?
How many deaths have been caused by gender violence in Spain / worldwide
compared to other problems? (Illnesses, Pandemics, Accidents,...)?
Some “cyber issues” (from last Nov. 25th Entry):
Digital Safety: How do you decide who to share your cell phone number with? Who do you become “friends” with on social networks? How can you respond if someone you don’t know very well asks for your cell phone number, or to be “friends” online?
Textual Harassment: Do you ever feel like someone is over-texting you? What crosses the line for you – the number of messages or the content of the messages? What can you do if you feel overwhelmed by text messages?
Privacy Violations: How would you feel if your boyfriend or girlfriend was constantly checking your Facebook page or sneaking a peek at your cell phone log to see who you talk to? Why might that make you uncomfortable?
Sexting: Have you heard about kids at school talking about sharing nude or private pictures? How do you feel about sexting? What would you do if you received one of these pictures? Why do you think people might send or ask for these pictures? Do you think people might feel pressured to send a nude picture, maybe to their boyfriend, for instance? How would you handle the situation if someone asked you for a nude or private picture?
See from previous entries:
What do you think about this movement?
A lot more information, resources and activities on this blog:
Design by Aurelie Maron
Let's all be #EachforEqual