I've lived a life
To learn the Present Perfect Simple Form:
Read the picture above - via My English Path
Present Perfect with Particles:
Where do you put these particles in the sentences?
What do they mean?
Write down 4 sentences using these prompts:
1) I/We/-- have already... / My best friend has already...
2) I/We/-- have just... / My teacher has just...
3) [Negative Present Perfect sentence of your choice] yet.
4) [Interrogative Present Perfect sentence of your choice] yet?
Write down a question for a classmate:
Present perfect Use, more Time Connectors and Activities:
This blog: Last year's entry and the "Present Perfect" Label
Finally, Tenses with music: A classic revisited,
"My way", by Shane MacGowan
"I've loved, I've laughed and cried, I've had my fill,..."