Thank you for the music

How many words can you add to these lists?
To learn more words, study the picture above - via ISL Collective
Don't you find your favourite instrument above? Check here for more
You can visit the world-famous Vienna Philarmonic
or read Pitchfork or Guardian Music for the latest musical news
Ready for some Vocabulary Practice?:
Musical instruments: 1, 2, 3 Music families: 4, 5, Kinds of music: 6
Music-related words: 1, 2
If you're like me, you'll have lots of favourite songs,
I'm going to ask you to choose one and add it to this 1º ESO D list
An entry about music has to finish with music,
so here's a classic (one of the very many, impossible to pick one!) 
by one of the greatest bands ever <3 and a playlist,
Ladies and gentlemen...,


Irregular Verbs Fun

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