8th March, 2021

Laura Boushnak: For these women, reading is a daring act

For younger students:
What type of book are you currently reading?
Who is the main character?
What is he/she like? 
(Character adjectives: Student's Book Page 45 or check here: 1, 2, 3)
If it is a man / boy, are there any women/girls in your book?
What is she like?
How are men, women portrayed in children's books?
What do you think?
Are there any "typical" men's or women's qualities? professions? colours?...
What do you admire in a person?
What is a ROLE MODEL?
Have you got any role models?
Who are they? Why do you admire them?

Happy day to you, phenomenal women


Irregular Verbs Fun

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