Carnival and more stuff

Picture via ISL Collective
This year's Carnival has to be the strangest ever,
 Coming from a place with a long tradition of celebrating this holiday,
Do you like Carnival? Why /not?
Have you ever worn a costume? What was it?
What are some good and bad memories of Carnival for you?
Are you familiar with our traditional Carnival or "Entroido"?
What do you know about it?
Have you taken part in any of these traditional celebrations?
What are some popular costumes? (The photo below may help):
What words do you associate with Carnival?
Any of these?: 1, 2
Do you know any famous carnivals in Spain and around the world?
Read about some of them here and about Notting Hill
Complete these Writings about Notting Hill and Quebec
Listening: 1, 2
Photo caption: Write a caption for this photo
If you're not into Carnival, check how good you are at this:
Like it or not, have a great long weekend, but follow the safety measures, please!


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