Healthy eating habits
We will be learning all about Food and healthy eating habits,
1st, we'll revise some vocabulary:
Let's play...Tutti Frutti or Stop the bus! with Food and drinks:
Categories: Fruit / Sweet Food / Salty Food / Vegetables / Drinks
When we're done: Can you tell which are healthy and which unhealthy / junk food?
Guessing game: Which food am I?
Revise this topic on the FOOD label,
for example: Try the games in this entry
or explore the games and activities on Let's eat healthy
If you want to learn more words related to this field:
Chocolate Learning: 2 Pages to learn and practise
New Vocabulary Practice:
Listening: The Food Pyramid
Reading: Eat well
Speaking: Food survey
Dig deeper! You can learn more about this on these to pages:
Time for some ISL Collective Videos:
How to choose healthy food: