November, 25 International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

The language of Domestic Violence:
(Go to Menu > 2ºBAT > Issues > D. Violence)

How are women and men portrayed in ads, songs,...?
Domestic abuse in music:
30 songs inspired by domestic violence
 "Every breath you take" + Lyrics
What feelings can you see in this song?
 What's happening in the relationship this song portraits?
How would you feel if someone told you things like these?
Would you tell anyone "you belong to me"? Why (not)?
Would you like to be told so? Why (not)?
Do you agree with this song's messages?
Can you think of other lyrics about a possessive love?
Is there respect in this relationship?...
Classics against Domestic violence:
"You don't own me" + Lyrics and:

Food for thought
Videos to watch and debate:
Antonio Banderas raises his voice against Violence
"One billion rising" flashmobs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

How would you react if you saw Domestic Abuse?
You are going to see a social experiment conducted in Sweden
where 53 people witnessed a violent scene.
How do you think they reacted?
Watch the video
What do you think? Were you surprised? Why (not)?

Dating Violence:

What's a healthy relationship? Quiz, Read
10 things you / men can do to prevent Gender Violence
A Dating-violence Lesson plan
 What do you think about this girl's situation?:

How can you help...:
A friend?

Some cold numbers:


Irregular Verbs Fun

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