
Showing posts from 2010

Happy New Year 2011!

Merry Christmas to you all

Aren't they great?

Everybody sings

I've got your marks...

Connecting People with Epals

Learn "Inglish" with Breixo

1st Term Revision, 1º BAC

The Skeleton Dance

Listen to your songs:

Do you like animals?

It's Tuesday, let's smile...

A film in English at Cinebox on Wednesday

Here we are, 3rd. ESO Be...

1ºESO, Let's "rehearse" for the YOU-KNOW-WHAT!

1st Bac chats with 1st ESO


Great conversation in a clothing store

Arts & Science

Bits and Pieces

I'm done with correcting today!

On with Unit 2, 1ºESO


Can you tell me the time, please?

Living in harmony with nature & The importance of Water

3ºESO Blog Activities

Welcome to the Computer Room, 1st Bac!

Halloween 2010... Beware!

The Visitor

Play "The Vikings"

Welcome to the Computer Room, 3º ESO!


1ºESO: Are you good "Song Detectives"?

Let's have some fun with culture

1ºESO: This is Unit 1

The Known Universe

3ºESO: Practising Unit 1

Irregular Verbs Fun

Otero Students' English Blogs

Best Videos Ever?

My Presentations

View maralfo's profile on slideshare