March is Women's History month

March, 8th is International Women's Day.
And March is Women's History month.
Let's find out more about it:
Read: 1, 2, 3,
Watch: 1, 2

Some interesting facts:
Inventions by women
Women on US Stamps
Women Pulitzer Prize Winners
16 of History's Most Rebellious Women

Do you know...:
the first country where women could vote?
the year when women could vote in Spain for the 1st time?
the latest country to accept Women's Suffrage?
the best countries to be a woman?
Check your answers

A few quizzes:
 Oscar Women
Writers and Performers
Famous World Rulers
Women's History Month
More Quizzes and Crosswords

Can you imagine...?:


Raquel Barreiros said…
Hello, I'm Raquel. Have you got the mark of the examens? If you have, could you tell me mine?
Marga Alfonso said…
Hi, Raquel!
Your mark is 6.25.
See you on Monday, enjoy the weekend!

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